WILTSHIRE Constabulary are hoping 30 Special Constables will join the force after potential volunteers attended an awareness day at the beginning of the month.

The event was held in Salisbury and 30 information packs were distributed. It is hoped that most of those will send in a completed application form.

Your County Needs You! was a partnership activity, supported by the Retained Fire Service, WRVS, St John Ambulance, Cas-Sim, and British Red Cross, and the Special Constabulary.

It attracted more than 300 visitors and the other volunteer emergency services also received a large number of requests for additional information.

The event was just one of many activities being run across the county in the last few weeks to try to encourage more people to join up.

For further information about joining the Specials or Regulars contact Cathy Jones (01380) 734066 or your local Specials Administrator at the Divisional HQ at Melksham, Salisbury or Swindon.