THE passing of the underpass (EA June 4) shows the sorry state of the times we live in.

The new Swindon Company (sounds like something from 1900) should be thinking of ways to make underpasses safe and clean for pedestrians, not closing them.

I always understood being drunk and disorderly and causing a nuisance in a public place were public order offences, but they seem to be the main reason for closing underpasses.

One would think due to its proximity to the police station it should be the safest in town.

Alas the sight of a policeman on foot these days is worth capturing on film.

The article also states drivers on Princes Street, who have been delayed during the building of the crossing, have been told that the congestion problems will only last about a week or ten days.

What an understatement!

Placing a set of lights so close to a roundabout will only cause yet more traffic snarl-ups. Funny how towns and cities on the Continent can have clean underpasses.


West View,