A NUMBER of near misses on the new zebra crossing in Cricklade have prompted the town council to ask for a safety audit.

The crossing in High Street has only been in use for the last couple of months, but the council has received several complaints from worried pedestrians.

Town clerk Margaret Griffiths said: "There have been a number of near accidents and we have had several complaints.

"They are mainly to do with the speed the traffic is going.

"From the town council offices, staff have observed a large number of motorists parking illegally usually going to the cash point. Parking on or very close to the chevron lines is impairing the vision of motorists approaching the crossing this is putting pedestrian lives at risk.

"In light of this, we have contacted Wiltshire County Council for a safety audit. We are still waiting to hear back as to when it will be."

Town council vice chairman Brian Atfield said: "There have been a couple of near misses.

"The safety audit means people will come out at certain times of the day and just observe what's happening."