MAY I first congratulate Shirley Mathias on her excellent obituary to Daphne Bampton, which appeared in the Evening Advertiser on Thursday, July 4.

I would however wish to draw to your attention two posts that Daphne held which were omitted from Shirley's article, I am sure it was because she was unaware of them.

Firstly she was instrumental in the founding of 'The Thamesdown and District Spastics Association' later to be known as 'The Thamesdown and District Scope Association' the name change taking place when the National 'Scope' Charity assumed that title.

She chaired a very strong committee of local people for the first year of a group to become known as TADSA, after which she accepted the position of vice president, a post that she held for 21 years. TADSA was throughout this time a very active group with which she kept herself very involved, giving invaluable support and guidance throughout her period of office. Sadly the group folded in July 1997.

Daphne was also a founder trustee of The TADSA Housing Trust, which was formed to administer the Shaplands Housing Project in Stratton St Margaret now a reality providing custom built accommodation for 28 physically disabled adults.

Daphne resigned in 1996 when she regrettably felt that she needed to reduce her workload. Jo Osorio of Age Concern was absolutely right, 'She will be greatly missed."

Tony Long

Chairman of Trustees

Upper Stratton