I WOULD like to appraise your readers of the treatment my father received at Melksham Community Hospital when he was an in-patient between November last year and June 4 this year.

During his stay he was treated not only with the highest level of professional care at all times from every member of staff, but also, and arguably of similar importance to his well being, every member of staff were kind, caring and conscious that they were dealing with a human being and not just a 'patient'. I cannot speak too highly of the family atmosphere that prevails within the hospital. It is a joy to see so many people obviously enjoying their role and providing a service that is second to none.

On behalf of my father, Stan, I would like to publicly thank everyone at Melksham Hospital and wish them every success for the future. I would also like to mention that we sometimes hear of National Health Trusts attempting to close community hospitals for financial reasons, and like others I have been guilty of apathy as to the consequences, but now I know what an invaluable service Melksham Hospital and others provide to the local communities I would urge your readers to support their continued existence within their communities.

After all, they really are the jewel in the National Health Service crown.

J S Fletcher,

