HOUSEHOLDERS in Swindon can get advice on how to avoid becoming a victim of crime from a new booklet.

The booklet, launched this week by Wiltshire police, gives tips on issues such as home security, Neighbourhood Watch and CCTV equipment.

It also includes advice on security during the summer.

Before going on holiday, householders are urged to ask a reliable neighbour to keep an eye on their property, and ensure newspapers and post is pushed through the letterbox and does not stick out, indicating there is no one at home.

Householders should always cancel milk before going away, and ensure doors and windows are locked.

Timer switches should be used to turn on radios and lights.

The booklet also warns that during the summer many burglaries result from windows being left open while properties are left unoccupied.

Residents are reminded that one of the best burglar deterrents is to keep a dog.

And police say that geese are ideal for protecting large grounds.

Dame Elizabeth Neville, Chief Constable of Wiltshire Constabu-lary, said: "I am pleased to say that Wiltshire and the Borough of Swindon enjoy some of the lowest crime rates in the country, but this cannot make us complacent.

"We must all play our part in fighting crime if we are to maintain and build on this success," the police chief added.