SCHOOLS IN DISREPAIR:THE TEMPERATURE is rapidly rising at Ridgeway School thanks to a warren of temporary classrooms.

In every period more than 130 children have their lessons in these mobile classrooms, which become swelteringly hot in the summer and freezing cold in the winter.

The school estimates it will cost £1.5 million to demolish them and replace with a permanent structure, and needs another million for essential repairs to the rest of the school.

But according to the school's business manager Astrid Morris, things are looking up.

She said: "The issues are being addressed through various sources of funding, but what occurs to me is there always has to be a price to be paid.

"However, the council address the issues loans could be required from the Department for Education and Skills and money will need to be found to pay back the interest.

"Our main priority is to get rid of the temporary accommodation. In this weather it is unbearable."