It was curious to see Councillor Tomlinson's holiday photos given such prominent display in the Adver (EA July 11). But more interesting was what the article told readers about the Lead Member for Culture's ideas of culture.

Much play was made of the fact that the group partied all night in Ibiza and failed to get a tan. There was no indication that the group even knew they were abroad. In fact the only culture that was recognised by the 'young turks' was club culture. With the growth of bars/clubs in Fleet Street, the question is why did they even leave home?

Swindon Borough owns one of the largest collections of modern art in the country and has nowhere to display it. At the beginning of this year, Labour drew up plans to rescue the former Railway Museum, and at the same time enhance the cultural offering in town, by converting it into an Art Gallery.

None of these 'young turks' support that plan. In fact they actively campaigned against it in May. But why should they support it, when their idea of culture revolves around what Club 18-30 can offer?

Justin that may be good enough for your own age group but what about the rest of us?

Being in charge of culture doesn't mean forcing the whole population (through lack of choice) to party 'til dawn. It means diversity something for the old, the young and indeed the very young. It means art and theatre. It means restaurants. It means working as hard as you can to keep STEAM on the rails.

Only in this way will we have a vibrant town, rather than one which is abandoned to 'young turks' once darkness falls.

David Nash

(A young(ish) Labour Councillor aged 37 3/4)

Taw Hill