Ref. 25874-82KELLY Services in Swindon are offering essential advice for getting on with your managers, through a new fact sheet entitled: Don't cross the boss!

The guide outlines some simple steps you can take to help build bridges between employees and managers. The fact sheet suggests:

l Bosses don't like surprises so keep them informed of what you're doing.

l Remember your boss is only human.

l Make your boss feel part of the team.

l Remember your boss is answerable to other people.

Gordon Swinney, branch manager for Kelly Services Swindon, said: "Our fact sheet simply provides employees with some straightforward suggestions on how to take the initiative in getting on better with their bosses.

"Yes, it benefits the boss but it can also make the employee's working life that much more enjoyable, rewarding and healthy."

Anyone interested in obtaining the guide can collect a free copy from the firm's Regent Street offices.