RODBOURNE Cheney's Wendy Anderson is the Wiltshire county singles champion.

She began her quest for the two-wood title with a 21-7 win over Marlborough's Ellen Bolland, and then beat Brenda Hunter (Wroughton) 13-12 in the final, held at the Spencer Melksham club.

Supermarine's Pat Jones and Iris Gardiner reached the final of the pairs, but were beaten 29-12 by Sue Cook and Alex Jacobs (Box).

Cook and Jacobs teamed up with Sarah Newton and Karen Funnell to beat Gillian Lillicrap's Bradford on Avon side 23-17.

Winsley trio Gill Chandler, Ann Kirkpatrick and Sandra Bartlett won the triples, beating Alderbury's Margaret Webber, Mary Austin and Sue Frost 16-11.