I am somewhat dismayed by the University of Bath's apparent insistence that its new campus should be located at Commonhead which will undoubtedly lead to additional traffic congestion and many needless journeys.

Surely a much better site is the former Burmah Oil campus close to Swindon's Old Town, which is currently on the market. This site was originally identified for a university before Burmah were lured to Swindon in the late 1960s.

The existing building seems ideal, the site is close to the Wroughton park and ride, and close to the extensive sports facilities at Croft and Broome Manor as well as having on-site sports facilities

The site also benefits from an extant planning permission for a further large building.

But perhaps the most important benefit such a development would bring is a welcome shot in the arm for Old Town businesses.

P Lawson

Old Town