BOSSES at Lafarge refused to speak to residents at a public meeting on the controversial use of chemical burning at Westbury cement works.

The meeting was set up by the Environment Agency to give people the chance to voice their opinions and find out about the proposed trial of recycled liquid fuels at the plant.

But the Environment Agency was left red-faced on Tuesday when no one from Lafarge turned up and have stressed that a final decision on granting a permit has not yet been taken.

Environment Agency spokesman Mike Weiler said: "We were very disappointed that Lafarge failed to show up, some of the questions put forward can only be answered by Lafarge themselves."

The cement company was invited to the consultation but declined claiming it was purely a meeting between the public and the Environment Agency.

Bosses have also refused to answer any of the questions raised at the public meeting.

John Collinson, Westbury works manager, said: "We felt it was important to ensure the meeting was between the Environment Agency and the public.

"Anyone who has questions can contact the site instead on (01373) 828400 to make an appointment for a visit."

Lafarge has applied to trial the burning of recycled liquid fuel in the Westbury kilns.

The Environment Agency backs the use of RLF at cement works but will decide whether to grant a permit within the next four months.

Mr Weiler said: "In principle it is expected that if RLF behaves in the trial like it has in previous tests it will be within the limits we set.

"However this doesn't mean a final decision has been taken."

But the Environment Agency confirmed it would take a 'show-stopper' to alter plans for burning chemicals at the plant.

Mr Weiler said: "It would take something major that showed that public health would be greatly affected for this project to be changed."

More than 120 residents from Westbury, Bratton, Steeple Ashton and Devizes turned up at the meeting and raised issues on safety, monitoring levels and the transport of the chemicals to the plant.

Joy Smith, an environmental campaigner from Westbury, said: "I am absolutely disgusted that Lafarge could not be bothered to turn up and demand they hold a new public meeting so they can face the music."

Bosses from Lafarge have announced they will not be holding any further public meetings but are expected to turn up at discussion surgeries in Bratton on August 6, Westbury on August 14 and Devizes on August 18.