WILTSHIRE Constabulary has the highest public satisfaction rating of any English county force, according to a police survey.

The Constabulary's Police Consultation Unit used palm top computers to conduct face-to-face interviews at last week's West Wilts Show. They say the results confirm the British Crime Survey figures released by the Home Office on July 17.

More than 100 people aged from 9 to 90 each spent at least five minutes answering the questions, with almost two thirds feeling police in the county do a 'good or excellent job'.

The results showed that 62 per cent of those surveyed were satisfied with the service provided by the police, putting Wiltshire as the number one county in England for public satisfaction.

Participants were asked to consider four sections, concerning topics such as personal and home safety, safe use of the internet, safety to business premises and the personal safety of youths.

Force consultation officer Jane Brambley said: "Participants showed genuine interest in the survey and gave thought to their answers, which adds credence to the results."

The survey will continue over the next few months and results will be published on the website at www.wiltshire.police.uk