I FIND it rather annoying and, for the want of a better word, unprofessional, when certain of your regular contributors submit letters dealing with their pet subjects and then fail to respond to questions asked by your readers. This has happened to me several times.

First I, Frank Avenell and many others, have asked the now ex councillor Brown if the Labour council was aware of the pension fund deficiency when they accepted responsibility from Wiltshire County Council? If not, why not?

This, of course, resulted in money received for the sale of the Brunel Centre being used to fill the void. No response has been received from Mr Brown or from any member of the then council. Next we have Ms Anne Lubin who is well known for her pro-asylum seeker stance. I have asked her on several occasions to explain why people fleeing in fear of their lives travel right across Europe to this country instead of claiming asylum in the first safe haven reached? She has failed to reply. Is it because she is unable to produce a satisfactory answer?

Thirdly, and most recent, I would refer to Mr John Carter who always writes prior to the Fairford Air Tattoo and the Remembrance Day parade to expound his pacifist views.

Of course he is quite entitled to do this but when I asked him what we should do to rid Zimbabwe of that despot Mugabe who has brutalised his people and has brought on a state of near starvation to many thousands, he has failed to come up with an answer.

All are straightforward questions and now that I have raised them again perhaps we can expect replies in the very near future. Watch this space.


Stratton St Margaret