The letter from DASH 2 published last week over Paula Winchcombe's name contained serious inaccuracies that may have misled many of your readers.

I would like to use your columns to set the record straight.

In her capacity as observer from Kennet District Council to the Primary Care Trust board Mrs Winchcombe asked a question at the board public meeting on July 23 about the changes that had recently occurred in Devizes Hospital.

The board also responded to a written question submitted by DASH 2.

The question was answered in the board meeting, and DASH 2 was sent a written response from Barbara Smith, the Chief Executive on July 24.

The text of the letter sent to DASH 2 is as follows :

"Thank you for your letter of July 19 in respect of Elizabeth ward south at Devizes Hospital stating that the ward had been closed.

From time to time beds temporarily need to be closed to admissions, for example due to outbreaks of infection, diarrohea, vomiting, or other infections, on the advice of the infection control team, or in the case of short- term staffing problems when clinical care might be compromised.

At the present time there are 18 people being cared for in Devizes Hospital. Ten of those patients would be cared for more appropriately in another setting, for example a nursing or residential home.

There are no patients waiting to be transferred from the RUH to the hospital. Extra nurses would be brought in if more patients needed the level of care that is provided by our staff in the hospital."

I hope that this information clears up the misunderstanding which has occurred.

This information was made public at the end of July and Barbara Smith gave several interviews to the media at that time, including one on BBC Wiltshire Radio.

The PCT works hard to engage with all the organisations, statutory and voluntary, which represent the views and opinions of local people.

We actively seek to involve those we serve in developing affordable solutions and plans for better healthcare for all the 200,000 people in Kennet and North Wiltshire.

We welcome the involvement of DASH 2 as representatives of influential elements of the Devizes community.

DASH 2 has two members on the Project Steering Group for the new Devizes Hospital, and we believe they are already making a valuable contribution to this important project.

If DASH 2 has any further questions that are not addressed by the response to the question they put to the July board meeting or Barbara Smith's letter, we will be happy to respond to them.



Kennet and North Wiltshire

Primary Care Trust