YOUNG people from Swindon could benefit from free work experience in another European country, thanks to an EU scheme.

The Leonardo da Vinci scheme, which funds young people to gain work experience in France, Italy or Spain, is inviting applications from young people aged 18 to 25.

Daryl Jones, European and International officer for Swindon Council, said: "An opportunity for young Swindon people to experience working for three months in another European country is something which they dream about."

The scheme runs from January to April 2004. It pays for flights, accommodation and food while the young person is working. Various positions within local industries will be available.

Placements will take place in Montpellier and Bourges in France, Gran Canaria in Spain and Padova in Italy.

Mr Jones believes any young person who is enthusiastic, has basic language skills and the confidence to work in a foreign environment would benefit from the scheme.

If you are interested call Daryl Jones on 01793 466415 for more information or e-mail him at

Interviews will be held throughout this month for placements which will start from January 12 2004 onwards.