ON behalf of the governors, staff, pupils and most especially Fiona Allen, of Corsham Primary School, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to those people who have sent good wishes and presents to the school following the award of the Promethean Award for Leadership to Fiona Allen.

Fiona was given the trophy at a prestigious event at the London Palladium on October 25, in recognition of the outstanding leadership qualities that she has exhibited during her time as headteacher at the school.

Although the award was a personal one, we all see it as recognition of the work of the entire team.

The school has always been a good one. One which parents were and are proud to send their children and one the children were and are proud to call their own.

Our thanks are owed not just to Fiona but to all those who have had a hand in making Corsham Primary the school it is today. This includes past members of staff, past governors, past parents and children. The school has always been a credit to those associated with it.

The school has been inundated with flowers, cakes and cards. Thank you everyone.


Chair of Governors

Corsham Primary School