Oh come on, once again we have the same old story from the planning section of our highly respected council.

"We must protect and respect Swindon's heritage." What a joke, this is the same excuse that has been given over the years to cover the total inadequacy of our planning department, and the place that most springs to mind is the old Mechanics' Institute.

Now they are using the same old cliche to cover their dithering regarding the refurbishment of the Locarno Ballroom, as it once was.

Dither, dither, prevaricate, prevaricate, this should be the motto for the planning office of Swindon council and its regulatory other offices which "look after our historic buildings".

The Locarno and its associated building have a unique tower structure, which I understand, is the only one of its type in the country.

This needs to be preserved for both Swindon and its population.

This is part of our heritage, but what exactly has the council done to safeguard it and preserve it? I'll tell you nothing. Rather, they have put obstructions in the way of every developer who is prepared to renovate the site and give it a new lease of life.

The same thing has happened to the Mechanics' Institute, it's been closed up since 1986, and what has the council done about it? Nothing.

It makes me wonder if they are not playing the same game that they did with the old Hermitage building in Old Town wait until it was beyond economic repair and then pull it down.

So come on Swindon Council, get a grip on things. Let's preserve these historic buildings which, as we all know, are part and parcel of our heritage before it's too late and we don't have any of them left.

D Collins

Stratton St Margaret, Swindon