BROWNIES: Girlguiding UK was formed in 1910, when the founder of the Scout Movement was inundated with requests from girls to recognise the need for a female equivalent.

Today there are 10 million girls and women involved in guiding across the world.

From the outset guiding in the UK has been single-sex, in the belief that an all-female association offers girls and young women the best opportunities for personal and social development.

In 1987 the Rainbows was introduced for five to seven-year-olds to join in the fun. Three years later, Brownies waved goodbye to their brown tunics and welcomed the launch of Jeff Banks' mix and match uniform of a sweatshirt, jumper, polo shirt, t-shirt, jogging bottoms, culottes and shorts - all in brown and yellow colours.

Today's Brownie uniform, introduced last year, was designed by dresser of the stars, Ally Capellino. Adding a touch of sky blue to the traditional colour scheme, the outfits feature hooded jackets, boot cut leggings and body warmers.