WE always knew that Swindon Council wouldn't get the money from Government that it hoped for it happens every year.

But the message from local government minister Nick Raynsford is loud and clear and couldn't be blunter there is no reason for council tax rates to soar into double figures if councils are well run. Quite rightly he says that people expect their councils to set reasonable tax levels.

The Tory administration is pledging that it will "do its best" to keep its promise to keep the rates low and that residents will be consulted on the options open once the number crunching is done.

However, the number crunching will no doubt show the stark options open are pay more tax or lose services.

People of Swindon won't accept any more cuts in services for the elderly or more problems with social services and the same goes for education.

The brutal truth is that this is the amount of money in the pot an above inflation rise and it is up to the council to deliver quality services to the people of Swindon with the resources they have.