Former burger bar owner Karen Dagostino is the biggest success story in the first year of a women-only gym.

And now Mrs Dagostino, 40, of Kingsley Road in Chippenham, will receive a certificate from Women's Workout which is holding an open day on December 3.

Mrs Dagostino lost five stone and transformed her figure from a saggy size 20 to a fabulous 14 in less than eight months.

The mother-of-four went from 18 to 13 stone after attending Women's Workout in Foghamshire.

She said she had been embarrassed to go to mixed gyms but added: "When I walked into this gym and saw just women, of every shape and size, I knew I could give it a go."

Three years ago, Mrs Dagostino lost a battle with North Wiltshire District Council for the right to trade in Chippenham High Street.

Thousands of her customers had supported her fight to stay.