RE 'We can't help until you break the law'. This is a bored young man, one among many in Trowbridge. As much as I believe in helping people, I equally believe you need to start by helping yourself.

Wiltshire has a well equipped youth service, especially in Trowbridge, where the town council supports the youth to a high standard.

There are three youth development centres in Trowbridge with trained staff to offer support and guidance; these are targeted at 13-21-year-olds. This appears to me to be the first logical point of contact.

There is also a range of PRO-ACTIVE activities, from football and basketball to archery and swimming, where he can meet people who will have a positive effect on him. There are also DJ workshops that are provided free of charge by the county, Street Art projects, Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme, various cadets etc.

Trowbridge also has a well-established Youth Council for 13-21-year-olds that is represented on the Wiltshire Assembly of Youth, a county youth council that communicates directly with the county council on issues affecting young people across Wiltshire and gets results!

So if you've got an opinion on teenage life in Trowbridge, don't get angry get yourself heard!

I like to think this young man will take the initiative in creating a new direction for himself and set an example to other young people.

Perhaps the Wiltshire Times will do a follow up story on his future success?