CLLR Graham Payne seems to have a very low opinion of the people of Trowbridge, implying that the majority of us are drunken yobs. He also seems to regard Trowbridge as a cultural desert.

I have news for him there are people in the town who enjoy singing, painting, designing and making things, we do have a theatre and active societies who put on productions.

We do want a new library. Perhaps Cllr Payne even thinks a Record Office is wasted in Trowbridge and wants it sent to Chippenham he has yet to publicly support its retention in Trowbridge!

If we are not aspirational and ambitious, wanting the best for our town, what kind of future do we leave for our children and their children to inherit?

Stop being negative Cllr Payne, and start showing some respect for the people of Trowbridge whom you have been elected to serve!


Church Street
