DEVIZES Lions' carol float will once again be bringing Father Christmas and festive music to the town.

With a newly decorated, brightly lit float with its own Santa's grotto, it will be on the streets from 5.30pm until 8pm. All money collected will go Devizes charities and other good causes.

The float will be calling at the following places during the next week:

Monday, December 1: Caen Hill

Gardens, Mayenne Place, Dundas Close, Avon Road.

Tuesday, December 2: Pans Lane, Edward Road, Badgers Close, Sarum Drive and roads off, The Breach, Walden Lodge Close, Wick Lane, Wickfield.

Wednesday, December 3: Ferozeshah Road, Marlborough Close, Horton

Avenue, Davies Drive, Rupert/Bailey/ Richmond/Rider/Stokes/Marina and Hopgood Close, Waterside Park, Wyvern Close, Mallard Close.

Thursday, December 4: Canal Way, Cygnet Close, Willow Drive, Kingfisher Drive, Beechwood Close, Beechfield Drive, Le Marchant Close, Kingsmanor Wharf, Roundway Park and Gardens, Parkfields.

Friday, December 5: Cranesbill Close, Harebell Way, Cowslip Close, Tornio Close, Matilda Way, Charter Close, Maud Close, Proudman Road, Neate Road, Kirby Close, Stockwell Road, Phillip Close, Anstie Close, Steel Close.