A total of 315 grants have been awarded to groups, clubs and charities across the borough. Together these grants total more than £28 million.

Listed below are just some of the recipients:

The Walcot Family Centre received almost £40,000 last month. The centre provides support, advice and information to parents of young children.

The Working For Opportunities Trust received more than £212,000 in August.

The trust helps disabled people find work and raises disability awareness among employers.

Age Concern Swindon received £70,000 in June. The grant enabled the charity to move to larger, more accessible premises and paid for refurbishment.

Swindon Primary Care Trust was awarded £55,000 in May. The trust uses the money to run two neighbourhood nurseries in Pinehurst and Penhill, which provide childcare for 30 children.

Other sources of cash

The Oxford, Swindon and Gloucester Co-op community dividend scheme one per cent of the Co-op's profits are given to small-scale projects. Any organisation can apply and grants are awarded annually. For more details about the scheme e-mail contact@osg.coop or phone 01865 249241 x 235.

The Tudor Trust an independent grant-making charitable trust, which exists to enhance people's quality of life. Grants are focused on projects in areas where there is significant deprivation in urban, rural and coastal areas. Visit www.tudortrust.org.uk/

Wiltshire's charities information bureau offers advice and information on grants and funds. For help or assistance call 01380 729279.

www.fundraising.co.uk a site which gives a wide range of information from fundraising events to a list of funders.

www.funderfinder.org.uk a site which contains advice on how to fill in applications for funding.