MONEY to pay for social housing on the former Ushers site in Trowbridge has been lost following the Government's decision to review plans for the site itself.

More than £440,000 of public funding was lost after the application was referred to the Government Office of the South West for a full-scale planning inquiry.

To qualify for the local authority social housing grant work had to start by January 2004, but this deadline will not be met because it is thought the inquiry will not happen until early next year.

David Oakensen, chairman of West Wiltshire Housing Society, said: "We are extremely disappointed at the loss of this project. It would have provided 19 much-needed homes for local people.

"We will however be continuing to work alongside the West Wiltshire District Council, developer Foinavon and the potential builder, George Wimpey, to bring about social housing on this prime site as early as possible."

Foinavon's first application for the bottling site was turned down despite an application for the nearby brewery going through.

Architects revamped the layout of the main buildings because of criticism over the 'warehouse' design.