Ref. 28123-16CHILDREN helped bring Christmas cheer to elderly neighbours by packing food parcels.

The youngsters from Kingsdown School teamed up with Stratton Age Concern committee for the Christmas Parcel Event.

More than 1,600 parcels were distributed to senior citizens all over Stratton by volunteer drivers who kicked off the season of goodwill early.

The parcels, consisting of soup, butter, corned beef, fruit cocktail and Tip-Top dessert topping, were donated by Somerfield in Cricklade Road, Gorse Hill.

A spokeswoman for the store said: "We have been doing this for eight years. We just order an extra delivery and a lorry takes it to Kingsdown Youth Centre where it is packed by the children.

"It is a lovely thing to do for Christmas and very popular with the elderly."

The schoolchildren not only helped sort the items into bags but wrote Christmas cards as well.

Stratton Community Leisure Centre donated the proceeds of a raffle at a November dance to Stratton Age Concern and £103 was given to the funds.