The North Wiltshire Youth Band is going from strength to strength, giving children the chance to learn how to play brass instruments.

The group is run by volunteers who give children lessons and train the band players. Now ten fledgling brass players have joined up, paying £1 for a lesson and taking home an instrument to practise.

"Private lessons and even school lessons can be costly," said band secretary Kate Smart.

"A new cornet costs £250 upwards. The idea is to teach children how to play and let them keep an instrument as long as they are members."

A recent grant of £1,000 by the Borough Lands charity has allowed the band to buy a baritone, tenor horn and three cornets.

The band has also received grants of £250 from GWR, £1,000 from Chippenham Town Council, £500 from North Wiltshire District Council and £100 from RAF Rudloe Manor.

It won a cup on Saturday at the Annual Wessex Brass Band Contest in Weymouth.

'The children played superbly to achieve first place out of seven bands for the hymn tune and second for their test piece," said musical director Linda Diskett.

"It is good news to have such talented young people in Wiltshire."

The band has a waiting list for beginners but youngsters already playing brass instruments are welcome to join the monthly workshops.

Contact Mrs Smart for further details. E-mail: kate@smarthome.