CAN I express my anger at two motorists who almost killed me and my family today. Both instances occurred between the Magic Roundabout and St Joseph's Lower School at 11.45am.

The first motorist was a female driver in a Volvo estate who was obviously oblivious to the fact that there is traffic on the roads.

Coming across the Magic Roundabout towards the ambulance station, this woman cut across all three lanes without looking and almost sent our car into a spin.

Then, on approaching the St Joseph's School roundabout on Queens Drive, a man in a Honda CRV decided at the last minute that he wanted the lane we were in. Without indicating he pulled into our lane and stopped.

Luckily for us, my friend managed to stop before we hit the CRV's rear end, but only just.

I really do need to learn to drive but with people like them on our roads, it really does put me off.

(Miss) C BELL

Park North