A Green Christmas roadshow will be set up in Chippenham on Saturday with information on cutting back on Christmas rubbish.

Over the festive season the amount of rubbish put out for the refuse collectors goes up by a 30 per cent, and much of it could be recycled.

Every day in North Wiltshire 192 tonnes of rubbish is sent to the landfill site and at Christmas this increases to 249 tonnes a day.

So residents are urged to do their bit by opting for the recycling bin rather than the dustbin.

Coun Sylvia Doubell, lead member for recycling and waste minimisation, said: "While we hope everyone will have an enjoyable Christmas, we hope it will be a green Christmas this year and a recycling New Year."

The roadshow will be in the Christmas market, in the Market Place, from 10am to 4pm. Visitors to the roadshow will be able to find out how they can recycle their Christmas cards.