DEVIZES police are warning shoppers, especially women, to watch out for handbag thieves when doing their last-minute Christmas buying.

In the last two weeks, several women have had their bags taken from shopping trolleys in town supermarkets.

The police suspect that a couple caught on CCTV cameras could be involved in the thefts. Bank debit cards stolen in one store have been used to get cashback and groceries from other stores in the town.

Police descended on the town centre in force last Tuesday when a number of thefts of handbags were reported from Tesco supermarket in Maryport Street but failed to apprehend the thieves.

All the bags were taken from shopping trolleys while the owners were either taking items from the shelves or unloading at the checkout.

A short while later, there was an attempt to use one of the stolen cards to get £50 cashback and items at Somerfield supermarket in High Street. But the card had already been reported stolen and the thief left empty-handed.

Police are still anxious to speak to the couple who were seen on CCTV footage the week before. The man is described as dark European, 5ft 3in, aged between 17 and 23 and of slim build. The woman is of mixed race, 5ft 4in with dark curly hair.

Sgt Matt Jones at Devizes police station said: "We are appealing to shoppers to be more security conscious"

Anyone with information should ring Devizes police on (01380) 722141 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.