An exhibition of the messy but fun art of felt making has gone on display at West Swin-don library.

Janet Theobald, of Kings-hill in Swindon, began experimenting with fibres and dyeing after attending workshops in Cirencester and Marlborough. She has now produced a series of collages that will be on show at the library until December 30.

To make the felts Janet used white Merino and Falkland wool as the base, pre-dyed wool fibres, and some of her own hand-dyed efforts.

She incorporated different kinds of silk fibres and exotic knitting wools and threads.

Janet said: "Felt making is labour-intensive and needs lots of water, elbow grease, and space to hang felts to dry. It's messy but fun."

She has been a member of Swindon art group Brush Up since 1994 and has taken part in many different exhibitions at Swindon Arts Centre, the Wyvern Theatre and other local venues.