When Jo Hartley cradles her little son it is hard to believe he is one of the bigger babies in the ward.

William Hartley-Smyth has been getting stronger by the day since he was born 15 weeks premature, weighing 1lb 8oz, or 686g. Now, at 11 weeks old and weighing 4lbs 4oz, or 1900g, he is preparing to go home for the first time.

Jo, 33, of Exmouth Street, Old Town, said: "William was given a 50 per cent chance of survival when he was born, so to be planning to take him home now is wonderful.

"I had been in hospital with a few complications before having him but thought I was going to go home. I had a stomach pain and thought I was constipated. But he was born breach within an hour. It was quite terrifying.

"I wasn't able to touch him for a week. It was quite strange really. He looked just like a little old man."

William, who has chronic lung disease, will need to continue wearing his nasal cannula, which administers oxygen, when he goes home. Jo said: "He needs to grow more lung tissue which he will do in time. I feel confident about taking him home with the tubes still in because the staff here really encourage you to be hands on with the babies.

"Our daughter Isobel, who is five, can't wait to have him home."

Jo's partner Mark Smyth, 40, who works for Cre8 Studios in Swindon, said they hope the worst was over.

He said: "When William was first born we spent so much time just watching the heart monitor. We spoke to him through the plastic and he gradually started to recognise our voices.

"Now we are looking forward to taking him home."