Traffic delays in Swindon lie ahead in the New Year, due to gas works.

More than 2.5km of gas pipeline and some 230 associated services pipes will be replaced by the gas pipeline and emergency service Transco.

The £330,000 replacement work will start on January 5, in Groundwell Road.

The work, which involves replacing the old metal pipe with new plastic pipe, is expected to last 13 weeks.

Regent Street, Clarence Street, Princes Street and Victoria Road are also included in the project.

Transco hopes not to use traffic lights but some lane closures may be necessary.

Transco project manager Tim Sheppard said: "For almost all the project we will be using keyhole techniques to speed up the process.

"We are working with Swin-don Council's Highways Department to help minimise the disruption."

As part of the project, engineers will be calling at more than 230 properties to arrange to gain access so the service pipe can be replaced.

The work will be carried out free. All engineers will be carrying an ID card. Anyone who doubts the validity of a card can call Transco's emergency freephone number on 0800 111999.