CHRISTMAS is coming the season of goodwill.

The turkey's in the freezer, the money's in the till.

No need to make mince-pies or cakes, off to the supermarket,

We'll fill the car with all we want, supposing we can park it.

Dad trims the artificial tree to show that he's not shirking,

Then finds, when everything's in place, the fairy lights aren't working.

Bewitched by adverts on TV the kids use pester power

Hoping to wear resistance down, they plead hour after hour.

But all my friends are having one, they told me yesterday,

Dad can use his credit card, and he won't need to pay.

No carol singers at the door, to add that touch of magic,

Their safety worries parents now it's really rather tragic.

The Christmas cards come flooding in (did we send one to Mabel?)

With scenes of robins, bells and snow, none of that lowly stable.

The dog's been sick, mum's head is bad, soon guests arrive from Woking

Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men, You surely must be joking.

