Criminals are getting better treatment than their victims, says Zinnia Watson, who has just retired from the magistrate bench. DA4652P1ONCE a fortnight for the past 19 years, Zinnia Watson, of Downton, has tirelessly served her community, sitting as a magistrate at Salisbury's Guildhall.

However, just before Christmas, Mrs Watson sat as chairman of the bench in the building's historic Oak Court for the last time.

On December 22, she retired from her prominent public life.

"I shall certainly miss serving Salisbury in this way and I shall miss my colleagues," said Mrs Watson, who used to run the X-ray department at Salisbury District Hospital.

"However, the criminal justice system is not serving the public as it should.

"The criminals are getting better treatment than their victims, which is really why I have decided to go early," she said.

"I feel, as I fear the general public feels, the system is not at the standard it used to be."

Watching Mrs Watson hold court for the last time were her husband, Ian, friends and work colleagues.

Mrs Watson said she was looking forward to her retirement.

In particular, she was planning to play more tennis and golf during her free time.