A NEW teacher is needed to take over the Yamaha Music School at St John's School, Marlborough, where budding musicians are taught keyboard skills.

The present teacher, Victoria McCardle, will be leaving at Easter and any applicant would need to be an enthusiastic, dedicated and talented pianist/keyboard player qualified to at least Grade 6 standard.

The music school, for St John's own pupils as well as non-pupils, started in October 2002.

Students are taught in groups and skills include reading music, solo and ensemble performance, general theory, arranging music and accompaniment.

A spokesman for the school said: "Students have taken part in concerts and can also go in for exams if they want to."

Students need to be aged nine upwards for the course, which provides an ideal opportunity for parents and children to learn keyboard skills together.

Classes are run after school, from 4pm onwards at a time to suit the teachers. More information is available from the school office on (01672) 516156.