RINGING in the New Year could mean a better deal for Wiltshire's children if people make it their resolution to help youngsters in desperate need of support.

Wiltshire County Council is calling for people to come forward and help children by volunteering to become foster carers, visitors for children who are being looked after by the local authority and mentors for young offenders.

John Woodhouse, children's rights officer at Wiltshire County Council, said: "At this time of year people all over Wiltshire will be thinking about making New Year resolutions.

"One of the most valuable and worthwhile things they could do would be to offer their help and support to children and young people who are in need.

"There are lots of different ways they could help from fostering to acting as mentors to young offenders."

The county council needs long-term and short-term foster carers and people to foster young people on bail or remand.

They also need 'independent visitors' for young people being looked after by the council who can offer advice and attend case reviews when necessary.

An information pack with details is available by calling (0800) 1696321.