Michael Wills MP has got a damned cheek to accuse key players of faffing around with regard to backing a university campus at Coate (Adver, December 22).

A considerable amount of rate-payers money went into looking at a regeneration plan, known as the Shillam report, for Swindon's town centre where the university presence formed a major part of the strategy.

Everyone supported a centrally located site for the university apart from David Wilson Estates who had submitted a planning application in September 1999, that included a campus as part of their Earlsgate plan, east of the A419.

It seems that Bath University and Michael Wills have decided that it must be built at Coate. If these are the terms and conditions, then they may as well look elsewhere and stop faffing around pushing for a site that we all want to safeguard from development.

Jean Saunders
