A RADIO station is celebrating a year on air at the end of January.

Swindon FM, Swindon's only digital radio service, is now asking for listeners to take part in a survey to find the town's 100 favourite songs of all time.

People are asked to provide their three favourite songs and any specific reasons as to why the songs are special to them.

The songs are being compiled into a countdown, which will be broadcast on Saturday, January 31, and Sunday, February 1.

Programme co-ordinator Carl Humphreys said: "We have been pleased with the response so far but it is not too late to register your vote and help make a change to the final outcome so we would encourage the people of Swindon to get in touch."

Prizes of DAB digital radios, calendars and T-shirts are on offer to those who take part.

To offer your suggestions, you can log onto the station's website at www.swindonfm.co.uk or you can send in your choices to Simon Hawkins at Swindon FM, The Old Town Court Studios, 10-14 High Street, Old Town, Swindon SN1 3EP.