SALISBURY district council is getting behind local farmers and producers in a bid to boost south Wiltshire's rural economy.

The council has been awarded £21,000 to spearhead a project to promote locally produced food and drink.

A successful bid was put to the south-west Regional Development Agency's rural renaissance programme to fund the project, which will start in 2004 and run through to 2005.

The project will include the development of the first Salisbury and South Wiltshire Food Festival.

It will also support local supply chains and promote awareness of what south Wiltshire producers have to offer.

The week-long food festival will take place from September 18, during British Food Fortnight.

It will include culinary events at different locations and will feature one of the largest farmers' markets to be seen in the county.

It is hoped the festival will prove a success and become an annual event.

Council portfolio holder for planning and economic development John Noeken said: "I am absolutely delighted we have been successful in receiving the grant to fund this very exciting project.

"It is imperative that the council support the local economy.

"The rural economy in south Wiltshire is very crucial and offers so much.

"I'm sure when people get to see the excellent produce being produced locally they will want to carry on buying locally - which is good for everyone," Mr Noeken said.

Supporting the rural economy is one of the council's three main economic development priorities.

One of the first things to get under way as a result of the project will be the council's food and drink guide.

The guide will be produced in the new year.

It will include everything consumers need to know about locally produced food and drink.