I read the story about Swindon Council complaining that the post office is slow at communication with somewhat a jocular disbelief . . . talk about pot calling the kettle black!

Surely a better saving in the distribution of reports, agendas etc, would be to use that amazingly modern thing called email.

After all, the council did spend an awful lot of council taxpayers' money on computer equipment for councillors.

And according to the Swindon Council website, the vast majority of councillors have email addresses.

Think how much could be saved on stationery, envelopes and postage, and maybe even reduce the requirement of the number of couriers.

Having said that, the council calling the Royal Mail service slow is a bit of a joke, especially from my own personal experience with the council.

The Royal Mail has performed immeasurably better and is far faster than councillors' email.

I've received numerous letters from the Houses of Parliament regarding copies of emails which I also sent to councillors.

I've been waiting for months for answers to questions asked to councillors direct by email.

I have had less than a dozen replies, and some of those have been from legal services and not councillors.

So if the council is serious about saving time, resources, effort and money, how about using the computer equipment that we've paid for and provided them with?

Mathew Koelz

Grange Park