A REVIEW of the Wiltshire and Swindon Learning Partnership has resulted in the Salisbury and South Wilts Learning Partnership including Kennet within its operational area.

It will now be known as the South Wilts and Kennet Learning Partnership.

The thinking behind the move is that the reorganisation more accurately reflects the relationship between places like Tidworth, Marlborough and Pewsey with Salisbury and south Wiltshire.

The 31 learning partnership members from the Kennet area have increased the membership to more than 150, made up of local employers, schools, colleges and representatives from district councils, community groups and business support providers such as Business Link Berkshire and Wiltshire.

SW&KLP is committed to "the promotion of all kinds of learning for all kinds of people in the community".

The new partnership will be launched at the partners' event on January 21, 2004 at Salisbury Livestock Market.

The keynote speaker will be Bill Browne, publisher of the Salisbury Journal.