AS regards to parents being fined £100 for taking their children out of school during term time, I would just like to say a couple of things. My partner is a bus driver and they don't get to choose when they take their holidays.

They can be given any time, whether it be in term-time or not. So are the government going to pay them for having to take unpaid leave? I think not.

Also it is okay for people who work in Going Places to say if you book early enough you can get free child places, but what about people like myself, who don't earn enough money to go abroad and can only afford to go on holiday in the UK, ie Weymouth?

It costs a fortune to take a family on holiday, to hire a caravan during school holidays, so are all these caravan places such as Butlins going to start lowering their prices? I think not!

(Mr & Mrs) J ODEY

Winchester Close