I HAVE read so much lately of the pensioners' poll tax protests, especially from Mr Frank Avenell, and as I said in a previous letter, yes there are a lot of pensioners who need help.

The latest pension credits scheme being one help for the poorer pensioners and I cannot stress enough about help for really hard up older people, but I think we must really focus now on the council's statement of closing two of the main old people's homes.

This would be a disaster for many present pensioners living in them and worse for the many old people who will need more homes, not less.

I cannot praise highly enough Whitbourne House in Walcot. To talk of closing it would be a disaster. I am a pensioner and may need it myself soon, as may many others, I may be one of the lucky pensioners, but I know we get nothing free, so I will pay my fair amount of tax to help keep these homes open.


Newcastle Street