Having read the article on recycling rubbish I would like to know where these people live that make the comments.

First of all Swindon council make a half-hearted attempt to 'try' a waste paper collection scheme.

Why try it? Schemes have been in operation in Australia for years where they collect paper, garden rubbish, cardboard, glass and tins.

They have a wheelie bin for recycling glass, tins, cardboard and paper. Another for garden waste and one more for general waste that is not recycleable. One man drives a lorry around and picks the bins up. Not like in Swindon where there are about six men and a lorry driver. Mind you having said this, Swindon council have allocated streets as car parks so it could not be done here.

As to where we take our rubbish to be recycled is a joke. One tip for the whole of Swindon which is growing larger every day is not enough. Years ago the refuse wagon had a trailer on the back for waste paper and cardboard. What happened to it?

The article mentions cut down on travel. If we all have to travel to the tip in Barnfield Road to take a few bits of paper and a few cans it can only add up to more congestion.

Come on Swindon council get your act together and get a good system going where paper, cardboard, glass as well as garden rubbish could be collected. Why are we so far behind the times in Swindon? It would not take a genius to do it, only a little common sense.

