Please allow me through your paper to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who has supported Phoenix Brass band throughout the past year.

This includes the tireless work of members of the 'Friends of Phoenix', assisting behind the scenes and carrying out fund-raising activities, and the commitment of parents in transporting the younger players over the large area our increased number of engagements have covered.

During 2003, the band has been pleased to support many organisations both in fund-raising and giving enjoyment and pleasure, both national and local. This has only been possible through the dedication and strong commitment of all the musicians, and I would like to thank them most sincerely for all their hard work in making another successful year for the band.

Last, but not least, may I express my thanks to all our audiences whose attendance and applause has encouraged us to greater achievement.

May I wish you a happy New Year.

R. Dewey


Phoenix Brass
