The Laverton: The last word. Councillor Hawker is at it again.

My sole purpose of writing to the Wiltshire Times on this matter is to alert council taxpayers of Westbury to decisions taken by the town council to spend considerable amounts of our money on a scheme which no-one, not even the proposer of the motion to take over The Laverton agrees has been properly costed.

Surely all councillors should have been presented with the full facts and proper costings before making such a significant and expensive decision.

As for "many people want The Laverton restored" how does Cllr Hawker know?

He hasn't, or rather the council hasn't, asked through any sort of town poll, what our views are.

"Incalcuable damage" is actually caused by councillors taking decision on inadequate and unreliable data, at a cost to each Westbury council taxpayer of £26, and not consulting their electors over such an important matter.



Correspondence on this long-running issue is now closed Editor