WOMEN'S creative writing workshops have started up again at Elizabeth House social centre, 131 Exeter Street in Salisbury.

The workshops have previously been held at Salisbury Arts Centre, but as that has now closed for a major refurbishment, a new venue had to be found. They are held on Wednesday mornings from 10.30 am to 12 noon and are open to anyone who would like to try their hand at creative writing, irrelevant of experience.

Run as part of the Kingfisher Project, a writing in healthcare project, which has been running since 1998, the workshops are led by Rose Flint who provides a supportive and welcoming atmosphere.

In December, some of the group's work was used for a series of poem postcards, which were produced in collaboration with Salisbury artist, Laurence Rushby.

For further information and to book a place, call Catherine at the Arts Centre on 01722 321744 or email her at catherine@salisburyarts.co.uk.