WELL said Peter Bates. Sadly it is taking a long time for the message to reach everyone but, bit by bit, at last people seem to be learning that the only ones to benefit from the EU are those with first class seats on the gravy train.

Something we "Eurosceptic little Englanders" have been saying for about 30 years.

On the subject of the anti- EU letter bombs, I ,too, agree that this is not the way but desperate people do desperate things.

Unless MEPs begin to listen to the electorate it is only the beginning of what may become a civil way.

Exaggeration? Sorry, no. Just look at how dictatorships are normally overthrown.

As I see it we have three choices. Go on as we are with red and blue governments, go along the (wrong) path of violence or start voting UKIP. I know where my X is going.


Okus Road